Dark Tunnel featured on Podcast
"Dark Tunnel" featured on I Am The Booth Podcast Episode.jpeg)
Our song "Dark Tunnel" was featured on Atlanta, GA-based website/Podcast I Am The Booth.com's Episode #4. Check out their website here and hear what they say about the track.
The song was played at around 2:07:20 and onward. (I like how the host pronounced our name as Dee-Ou-Jee-Es

For those who have trouble streaming the Podcast, here's the queue of what the hosts said about the track :
- I like it! -
- That was hot.-
- ...That voice...(laughs).. Nah, that was good. I like it.-
- I like the band, The production was dope, That was really good. -
- That was probably the most professionally done joint set. -
- It sounds like a soundtrack. that was really good.-
- I like Rock, not too much of, lot of a Heavy Rock, but that was very good. -
- As soon as I heard it, it was really good, then what I see in my head was like, Antonio Banderas with two guns shooting in slow motion when I heard this music. So that was really good to me. I can definitely see it on some movie on some action scene... It was aweome. -
- Yeah I can definitely see this as a song on some movie soundtracks. -
- This is the most complete song that we' d been sent today. Like, the most comlete mixing and everything. -
The site is showcasing underground/unsigned artists, apparently I submitted the song to the site some time ago I don't remember exactly, in fact I don't even remember submitting the song to this particular site. But anyway the fact that our song was being picked up and was broadcasted on their Podcast, and got the best praises by the hosts, out of all the other songs played on that episode, is simply amazing and we're honord.
Looks like the great start of a new year, looks like 2015 is gonna be an awesome year for us... Let's all make it so!!!
Whole lotta love,
xoxo D.O.G.S.
NEXT TOPIC : The Void (New Song)